Value and scale: Some observations and a proposal

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In this paper, I investigate the scalar semantics of evaluative adjective in general, and of good in particular. Lassiter (2017) has argued that good, when taking propositions as arguments, has an interval scale. I argue that there’s evidence in support of the view that good, when taking individuals as argument, has a scale that is stronger than interval, but weaker than ratio. In particular, I propose that individual-level good has a “round” ratio scale, which allows a broader set of ratio transformations than standard ratio scales. This conclusion is consistent with the fact that good admits round ratio modifiers (twice as good), but eschews precise ones (# 1.38x as good). An important consequence of this view is that the scales of individual and propositional-level good are severed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)596-625
Number of pages30
JournalOrganon F
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Evaluative adjectives
  • Scalar semantics
  • Metaethics


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