User generated spatial content-integrator: Conceptual model to integrate data from diverse sources of user generated spatial content

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Geographic information has been traditionally produced by mapping agencies and corporations, using highly skilled professionals as well as expensive precision equipment and procedures, in a very costly approach. The production of land use and land cover databases is just one example of such traditional approaches. At the same time, the amount of Geographic Information created and shared by citizens through the web has been increasing exponentially during the last decade as a result of the emergence and popularization of technologies such as theWeb 2.0, cloud computing, global positioning systems (GPS), smart phones, among others. This vast amount of free geographic data might have valuable information to extract. Combining data from several initiatives might further increase the value of such data. We propose a conceptual model to integrate data from suitable user generated spatial content initiatives. A prototype to demonstrate the ability of the model to perform such integration, based on two identified use cases, was also developed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number183
JournalISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2016


  • Geographic information systems
  • Land use/land cover
  • Spatial data integration
  • User generated spatial content
  • VGI
  • Volunteered geographic information


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