Urban Agent Based Model of Urban SlumDharavi, Mumbai,India

Rajchandar Padmanaban, Jenitha Jerome, Smitha Asok V, Purnima Dasgupta, Marco Painho

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Urban expansion is well thought-out to be an optimistic feature and a gate for rising dissimilarity in the level of socio-economic. Intercity unauthorized/unplanned settlements are one of the major causes for the difference of the economic level of the society. Unofficial settlements and encroachments are dwelling due to the global population and prime problems contingent upon to developing nations. The proposed research is substantiation conversant approach to developing a new model of unauthorized built-ups (slums) in urban using simulation. The simulation is performed by the accessibility of the movement network and the utilization of space syntax methodology to regulate geo-statistical understanding of the movement network. By combining geostatistical information and the socio-economical details, an Urban Agent-Based Model (UABM) was developed. Theory of socio-economic circumstances with respect to a spatial relationship is required for developing the UABM and its geo-statistical layout. We employed Space Syntax Theory (SST) which connects
the social and economic circumstances with the spatial relationship. SST simulates the principal and develops the performance of internal cities unauthorized (slums) built-ups. From we studied the intercontinental association of an organization from the view of the individuals that move in and through the system.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1110-1117
JournalInternational Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Urban growth
  • Slum
  • Economic agent model
  • Dharavi
  • Movement analysis
  • Mumbai


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