Uplink Performance Evaluation of Packet Combining ARQ for MPR Prefix-Assisted DS-CDMA

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Prefix-assisted direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is a viable transmission technique for high-data-rate wireless broadband systems, capable of coping with highly dispersive channels at the uplink. Packet combining (PC) ARQ with an iterative block decision feedback equalization (IB-DFE) technique can be used to cope with errors. However, extracting the IB-DFE's packet error rate (PER) for MAC-layer simulations can be time consuming. Most works that model the DS-CDMA behavior with PC ARQ use simplified asymptotic PER models in the study of the system performance, which are not precise for low signal-to-noise ratios and for a low number of mobile terminals (MTs). In this paper, the MAC performance is modeled using a discrete-time Markov chain that relies on a PER model. As an example, this paper describes a PER analytical model for an uncoded prefix-assisted DS-CDMA system with PC ARQ that considers the following inputs: the number of MTs accessing the channel, the MTs' number of transmissions, and the channel realizations for a given bit energy over noise ratio. The results show that the model portrays with better accuracy the simulations' results, compared with an alternative asymptotic model.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7109836
Pages (from-to)2685-2697
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2015


  • Analytical Model
  • DTMC
  • IB-DFE
  • Packet Combining ARQ
  • Prefix-assisted DSCDMA


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