"Un détail me revient" ou la revisitation de la mémoire: analyse déictique de Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue de Patrick Modiano

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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The aim of our article is to determine to what extent the enunciative mode of exposure is likely to construct worlds with texts or to envisage the texts "as a means of configuration which makes them capable of projecting a world"(Fonseca, 1994: 108), and this through the notion of deixis. To this end, we shall first present the basic theoretical concepts, focusing on the specific contribution of Karl Bühler (2009 [1934]) and Fernanda Irene Fonseca (1992, 1994), who, by concentrating on the case of narration, envisages an enunciative theory of fiction, presenting the fundamental notion of deixis fictive (or deixis narrative). In this wake, we intend to focus on the enunciative construction of the exhibition of the past in Patrick Modiano's novel.
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationLasemaine.fr 2015
EditorsAna Paula Coutinho, Maria de Fátima Outeirinho, José Domingues de Almeida
Place of PublicationPorto
PublisherUniversidade do Porto
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)978-989-8648-64-8
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Deixis
  • Memory
  • Deictic analysis
  • Textual genre
  • Narrative
  • Fiction

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