Uma negra são-tomense na Lisboa quinhentista: Simoa Godinho, proprietária, negociante de açúcar e mecenas da Misericórdia

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Simoa Godinho was a landlady of large properties in São Tomé Island. In Lisbon she supported the Misericordia. The article includes this personality
among the limited number of Free Africans who distinguished themselves due to the fortune or social position. They were dignitaries, diplomats or businessmen and businesswomen. Their lives have been very different from the numerous black slaves and free. This object has been obtained with recourse of unpublished documents, as well as her will, already known.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)103-115
Number of pages12
JournalFaces de Eva: Revista de Estudos Sobre a Mulher
Issue number42
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Sugar
  • São Tomé
  • Slaves
  • Free Africans

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