Travessias pedagógicas no oceano da cultura popular“alfa-verbalizar” o mundo em sala de aula

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n Brazil, is published in 1864, the A.B.C. de amor ou methodo ameno de ensinar a ler ás moças conforme o systema da escola Brazileira seguido de uma mimosa colleção de poesias amorosas e ternas extrahidas dos melhores poetas além dos diccionarios das flores, da explicação das côres e do thermometro do amor. In this method the pedagogy have a dialogue with popular traditions: the chapbooks, poems in witch appears a symbolic floral world and secret languages. This manual inspires the creation in classroom of activities. The student learn to vocalize the world from «A to Z « but also he learns to use his knowledge to create personal and playful experiences.
Original languagePortuguese
Number of pages28
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Criativity
  • Alphabetic Acrostic
  • Pedagogy
  • Popular Culture

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