Transglobal sounds: Music, indentity and migrant descendants

Ricardo Marnoto de Oliveira Campos (Editor/Coordinator), João Sardinha (Editor/Coordinator)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Through a transnational, comparative and multi-level approach to the relationship between youth, migration, and music, the aesthetic intersections between the local and the global, and between agency and identity, are presented through case studies in this book. Transglobal Sounds contemplates migrant youth and the impact of music in diaspora settings and on the lives of individuals and collectives, engaging with broader questions of how new modes of identification are born out of the social, cultural, historical and political interfaces between youth, migration and music. Thus, through acts of mobility and environments lived in and in-between, this volume seeks to articulate between musical transnationalism and sense of place in exploring the complex relationship between music and young migrants and migrant descendant's everyday lives.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNova Iorque
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Number of pages248
ISBN (Print)9781501311970
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Immigrants
  • Migrants
  • Descendants


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