Resumo | As regiões de montanha têm verificado uma crescente valorização turística, face aos recursos naturais eculturais que encerram, à sua integridade ambiental, ao alargamento das práticas turísticas e expansão da oferta hoteleira.Estes espaços são alvos de atividades diversificadas com distintas implicações no ambiente e organização socioeconómica,o que implica processos de planeamento turístico adequados às novas dinâmicas em curso. A gestão destas áreas temsido realizada de forma marginal, quer pela ausência de políticas direcionadas para estes territórios, quer pelo tratamentonos instrumentos de ordenamento se limitar à sua consideração nos planos das áreas protegidas, quando alvos dessaclassificação, ou nas delimitações dos regimes especiais. Reconhece-se que os instrumentos formais de ordenamento têmnegligenciado estes territórios e a sua expressão geográfica implica formas de articulação cuja divisão administrativa nãopode condicionar, como é o caso do conjunto montanhoso da Cordilheira Central, promovendo a sua valorização, equidadesocial e orientações para o fomento do turismo. Torna-se necessária a definição de políticas que salvaguardem a multifuncionalidadee património, permitindo que as atividades de turismo incrementem os níveis de bem-estar da população edinamizem a economia, num modelo de desenvolvimento que promova a coesão territorial e a sustentabilidade turística.
Abstract | Mountain regions are having a growing tourist enhancement owing to their natural and cultural resources,their environmental integrity, the increase of tourist practices and expansion of hotel industry. Diversified activities areundertaken in these tourist places with diverse implications on the environment and on the socioeconomic organization,involving processes of tourist planning suitable to the current dynamics. The management of these mountain regions hasbeen carried out marginally because of the absence of targeted policies toward these territories, or just, because spatialplanning tools have only been considered in protected areas, if they are under such categorization or under special projects.It is recognized that the formal planning tools have neglected these areas and their geographical expression requires formsof articulation that the administrative division cannot constrain, such as the mountain range of the Central Cordillera.Therefore, it's necessary to promote their enhancement, social equity and guidelines for the tourism promotion. In short,it is essential to define policies that safeguard multifunctionality and heritage, allowing tourism activities to increasepopulation´s levels of well-being and boost the economy, according to a development model that promotes territorialcohesion and sustainable tourism.
Abstract | Mountain regions are having a growing tourist enhancement owing to their natural and cultural resources,their environmental integrity, the increase of tourist practices and expansion of hotel industry. Diversified activities areundertaken in these tourist places with diverse implications on the environment and on the socioeconomic organization,involving processes of tourist planning suitable to the current dynamics. The management of these mountain regions hasbeen carried out marginally because of the absence of targeted policies toward these territories, or just, because spatialplanning tools have only been considered in protected areas, if they are under such categorization or under special projects.It is recognized that the formal planning tools have neglected these areas and their geographical expression requires formsof articulation that the administrative division cannot constrain, such as the mountain range of the Central Cordillera.Therefore, it's necessary to promote their enhancement, social equity and guidelines for the tourism promotion. In short,it is essential to define policies that safeguard multifunctionality and heritage, allowing tourism activities to increasepopulation´s levels of well-being and boost the economy, according to a development model that promotes territorialcohesion and sustainable tourism.
Original language | Unknown |
Pages (from-to) | 371-382 |
Journal | Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento |
Volume | 3 |
Issue number | 21/22 |
Publication status | Published - 1 Jan 2014 |