Torrefaction effects on compostion and quality of biomass wastes pellets

Maria Margarida Boavida Pontes Gonçalves, Benilde Mendes, Catarina Nobre, Cândida Guerra Vilarinho

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The torrefaction of pellets produced from different biomass wastes was performed at dif-ferent temperatures and residence times to evaluate the influence of those parameters on the pellet quality. The fixed carbon, ash content and high heating value increased with the torrefaction temperature and time while the volatile matter content, apparent density and mechanical durability decreased. Using torrefaction temperatures lower than 250 ºC or adding a binder may allow to obtain pellets with good fuel properties and still preserve ad-equate mechanical properties.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities
PublisherCRC Press | Taylor & Francis
Number of pages378
ISBN (Print)978-1-138-02882-1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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