Tombo dos bens das capelas de D. Pedro de Meneses e de sua filha D. Leonor de Meneses, instituídas no Mosteiro de Santo Agostinho da vila de Santarém (1506)

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Documental transcription in Portuguese from early 16th century of the inventory of properties from the funerary chapels of Dom Pedro de Meneses, Count of Viana and 1st Governor of Ceuta (1415-1437), and his daughter, Dona Leonor de Meneses († 1452). The chapels were founded and ordained by Leonor de Meneses in the Monastery of Santo Agostinho, located in Santarém. This inventory of properties, one of three, at that time produced, belonged to the familial archive of the Marquises of Abrantes and it was inherited from the Counts of Penela, their lineage predecessors
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)211-294
Number of pages85
JournalFragmenta Historica: História, Paleografia e Diplomática
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • D. Pedro de Meneses
  • D. Leonor de Meneses
  • Mosteiro de Santo Agostinho de Santarém
  • Séc. 16
  • Capelas funerárias
  • Tombos de bens

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