The transmission of model behaviours in the correspondence between the marchioness of Nisa and her daughter, the countess of Palmela, ambassadress to London (1817-1819)

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Between 1817 and 1819, the Countess of Palmela accom-panied her husband to the British court, as representatives of the Por-tuguese crown to that kingdom. During this period, her mother, the Marchioness of Nisa, wrote to her regularly. Besides the usual themes of family correspondence, the Marchioness transmitted a set of advice and warnings that would enable her daughter to better perform her position. This article, following study of this hitherto unpublished documentation, analyses the advice given by this mother to her daughter, thereby charac-terizing model behaviours and their motivations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)233–260
Number of pages28
JournalRevista de Escritoras Ibéricas
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2023


  • History
  • Gender History
  • Women History
  • Women Writers
  • Aristocracy
  • Diplomatic and intellectual relations
  • Diplomacia Cultural
  • Diplomatic relations
  • Ambassador of Portugal
  • Ambassadress
  • International Relations
  • Enlightment
  • Portuguese Monarchy
  • Model behaviours
  • Behaviour literature
  • Women education


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