The ordinal numbers in hesiod's myth of the races

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To understand the meaning and function of the ordinal numbers in the myth of the races it is essential to have a full grasp of how the myth is composed and its structure is supposed to be perceived by a listener or reader. There is a general silence among Hesiod scholars about the meaning and function of the ordinal numbers in the myth. A tacit agreement may be inferred from such a silence: the ordinal numbers are implicitly taken to merely express the chronological order of the races. In this article, I examine each and every one of the ordinal numbers that appear in Hesiod's myth. I demonstrate that the ordinal numbers preserve their hierarchical dimension even in the cases in which this appears to be less convincing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)57-81
Number of pages25
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


  • Hesiod
  • Myth of the races
  • Ordinal numbers


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