The Melting Point Profile of Organic Molecules: A Chemoinformatic Approach

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The combination of the generical molecular maps of atom-level properties (MOLMAPs) encoding approach and the Random Forest algorithm (RF) is applied in order to model, predict, and interpret the structural motifs responsible for a certain organic molecule's melting point (mp) profile. A high-quality database is used for model build-up and evaluation of predictive ability. The obtained results for the complete independent test set (R2 = 0.811, MAE = 31.99 K, RMS = 43.98 K) are comparable or better than reference works. The form of codification represents implicitly the structure of a given molecule and highlights the interactions responsible for a certain melting point profile. This generical encoding approach groups different structural motifs based on its calculated atomic-based properties leading to good predictive ability for structurally different chemical systems not contained in the training set.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2200503
JournalAdvanced Theory and Simulations
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


  • chemoinformatics
  • codification
  • kohonen neural-networks
  • melting points
  • organic molecules
  • qspr
  • random forests


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