The hidden power of sustainable tourism indicator schemes: Have we been measuring their effectiveness all wrong?

Gloria Crabolu, Xavier Font, Graham Miller

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Evaluating whether sustainability indicator schemes contribute to better sustainable destination management has proven challenging. We adopt a systems thinking approach to shed light on the elusive impacts of sustainable tourism indicator schemes. We conduct online participatory workshops with 19 experts in sustainable tourism monitoring, to produce a causal loop diagram that illustrates how destination systems behave when indicator schemes are implemented. The results show that until now, these schemes have been expected to follow utopian, evidence-based, policy pathways to change, but we now understand that this linear-thinking approach fails to recognize the complex interplay of factors that occur during implementation. We find that indicator schemes can spark a rich, yet unappreciated, series of conceptual, instrumental, and structural dynamics. We conclude that the hidden power of these schemes lies in their ability to foster dialog, stimulate learning, incentivize network development, challenge takeholder worldviews, and steer systems change toward sustainable destination management.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1741 - 1760
JournalJournal of Travel Research
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


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