The European Union Global Strategy: what role for Germany?

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The crisis in Ukraine, international terrorism, the war in Syria and the migration crisis are all challenging the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy and shaping the definition of the new European Security Strategy which will shortly set the new parameters for the EU to act as a global actor. Each of these international crises has also forced Germany as the EU’s politically most relevant Member State to respond in a fashion atypical of its foreign policy identity since unification, showing leadership in place of previous reluctance, and a more active role in the international politics of the Euro-Atlantic order. What implications can this changed German role play vis-à-vis the new European Union Global Strategy? Will Berlin’s new role empower the EUGS or will Germany play a more decisive role in parallel to a reinforced European Security Strategy? How will this affect transatlantic relations and other partnerships the EU needs to forge to respond effectively to the growing foreign and security problems it encounters? The paper addresses this EU-Germany nexus and how Germany is adapting to a changed role when it comes to its contribution to European Foreign and Security Policy.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - May 2016
EventInternational Conference Europe as a Global Actor - ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 23 May 201624 May 2016


ConferenceInternational Conference Europe as a Global Actor
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