The Euro-Atlantic security order and the war in Ukraine

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sealed the collapse of the European security order created after 1991, the end of peace and the return of war in Europe. In its place a confrontational international disorder is emerging characterized by the weakening of the rules based international order, and by the ideological crystallization between
democracies and autocracies. The article assesses how both the US and the
EU have responded to the war in Ukraine, all while forging a new transatlantic security architecture. While this war has already shattered the European post-cold war order, it may become the prelude to the first war of the ongoing power transition between
the United States and China.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-29
Number of pages22
JournalR:I / Relações Internacionais
Issue numberSpecial Issue.
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Ukraine war
  • NATO
  • Power transition
  • Transatlantic security community


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