The Dimensions of Argumentative Texts and Their Assessment

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he definition and the assessment of the quality of argumentative texts has become an increasingly crucial issue in education, classroom discourse, and argumentation theory. The different methods developed and used in the literature are all characterized by specific perspectives that fail to capture the complexity of the subject matter, which remains ill-defined and not systematically investigated. This paper addresses this problem by building on the four main dimensions of argument quality resulting from the definition of argument and the literature in classroom discourse: dialogicity, accountability, relevance, and textuality (DART). We use and develop the insights from the literature in education and argumentation by integrating the frameworks that capture both the textual and the argumentative nature of argumentative texts. This theoretical background will be used to propose a method for translating the DART dimensions into specific and clear proxies and evaluation criteria.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-44
Number of pages33
JournalStudia Paedagogica
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Argument quality
  • Classroom discourse
  • Discourse analysis
  • Theoretical framework


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