The cultural heritage in the postindustrial waterfront: A case study of the South Bank of the Tagus Estuary, Portugal

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In examining the process of waterfront revitalization of the South bank of the Tagus Estuary during the postindustrial era, it is possible to discern a commitment to appropriation and valorization of heritage and cultural identity inherited from preceding economic cycles. Using a qualitative approach, backed up by a detailed analysis of territorial planning instruments, strategic documents, and intervention projects, we identify three main ways of appropriation, aimed to add value to the heritage and cultural identity, considering them as follows: (a) resources for the promotion of various activities, (b) drivers in strengthening territorial identity, and (c) elements of territorial differentiation. Analyzing these aspects, the article presents a proposal for the classification of the actions proposed for their implementation, namely: conservation of cultural heritage, adaptation of heritage to new uses and functions, appropriation of symbolic elements, promotion of cultural events, and raising awareness of cultural heritage among local communities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)170-191
Number of pages22
JournalJournal Space and Culture
Issue number2
Early online date5 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


  • Cultural heritage
  • Waterfronts
  • Redevelopment processes
  • Postindustrial era
  • Tagus Estuary


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