The "bacterial heterodisulfide" DsrC is a key protein in dissimilatory sulfur metabolism

S. S. Venceslau, Y. Stockdreher, C. Dahl, I. A C Pereira

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134 Citations (Scopus)


DsrC is a small protein present in organisms that dissimilate sulfur compounds, working as a physiological partner of the DsrAB sulfite reductase. DsrC contains two redox active cysteines in a flexible carboxy-terminal arm that are involved in the process of sulfite reduction or sulfur1 compound oxidation in sulfur-reducing2 or sulfur-oxidizing3 organisms, respectively. In both processes, a disulfide formed between the two cysteines is believed to serve as the substrate of several proteins present in these organisms that are related to heterodisulfide reductases of methanogens. Here, we review the information on DsrC and its possible physiological partners, and discuss the idea that this protein may serve as a redox hub linking oxidation of several substrates to dissimilative sulfur metabolism. In addition, we analyze the distribution of proteins of the DsrC superfamily, including TusE that only requires the last Cys of the C-terminus for its role in the biosynthesis of 2-thiouridine, and a new protein that we name RspA (for regulatory sulfur-related protein) that is possibly involved in the regulation of gene expression and does not need the conserved Cys for its function. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1148-1164
Number of pages17
JournalBiochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • CCG domain
  • Dissimilatory sulfur metabolism
  • DsrC
  • Heterodisulfide
  • Sulfate reducing bacteria
  • Sulfur oxidizing bacteria


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