The ALLMEET project and the intercultural dialogue between European and Russian partners

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The ALLMEET - «Actions of lifelong learning addressing multicultural
education and tolerance in Russia» - is a TEMPUS project in a partnership between six Russian Higher Education and Research Institutions (Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education SAR; Mari State University; Kazan - Volga region -Federal University; Siberian Federal University; Moscow City Pedagogical University; and Northern - Arctic -
Federal University), three European universities (Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, from Italy; Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCSH/UNL
-,from Portugal; and University of Glasgow, UK), and the European Center
- Valuation of Prior Learning (Netherlands). The project is coordinated by the partner from University of Bologna and has financial support of the European Commission - TEMPUS project. The wider objective of the project
is to support the modernization of Higher Education in Russia, enabling them to play the role of key - actors in promoting actions of Lifelong Learning on topics such as migration, intercultural education and human rights. Pedagogical materials are being produced and intercultural practices will be promoted during the project, aiming to build a common theoretical
background on concepts regarding intercultural education and to map the
existing knowledge, practices and policies regarding migration and conflict resolution at local, regional and national level. It is a way to respond to challenges regarding ethnic diversity, multilingualism and immigration in the Russian Federation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationColóquio Internacional 2015 Psicologia e Educação
Subtitle of host publicationDiversidade e Educação: Desafios Atuais
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherISPA – Instituto Universitário
ISBN (Print)978-989-8384-33-1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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