Terpene based therapeutic deep eutectic system, method of obtaining and uses thereof

Joana Maria Marques Da Silva (Inventor), Carolina Velhinho Pereira (Inventor), Liliana Andreia Amaro Rodrigues (Inventor), Rui Luis Gonçalves Reis (Inventor), Alexandre Babo De Almeida Paiva (Inventor), Ana Alexandra Figueiredo Matias (Inventor), Ana Rita Cruz Duarte (Inventor)

Research output: PatentInternational PCT application


The present disclosure describes a eutectic composition for use in the treatment of cancer comprising a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and a terpene, preferably ibuprofen and limonene.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2020188547
IPCA61P 35/ 00 A I, A61K31/01,A61K31/015, A61K31/045,A61K31/05, A61K31/11, A61K31/192,A61K31/616,A61P35/00
Priority date21/03/19
Filing date23/03/20
Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2020


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