Ten years that shook the world: representations of youth(s) in some musical hits from the British Sixties

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In the wake of the American examples provided, in and since the 1950s, by Bill Haley (1925-1981), Little Richard (1932-), Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-) and Elvis Presley 1935-1977), among others, the association of the British Sixties with emerging and expanding youth (sub- and counter-) cultures and pop music in particular needs no special demonstration. I therefore decided to narrow down my selection to songs whose lyrics focus explicitly on the overall chosen topic --- youth --- and I ended up
with three, for us to listen to, remember and hopefully comment upon, if only in the privacy of our own images and memories of the Sixties.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-62
Number of pages10
JournalGaudium Sciendi
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


  • Youth Cultures
  • Pop Music
  • Youth


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