Studies of bipyridinium ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents as electrolytes for electrochromic devices

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21 Citations (Scopus)


In this work, two bipyridinium di-cations based on [(allyl)2bpy]2+ and [(C10)2bpy]2+ combined with halogenate (I or Br), bistriflimide ([NTf2]) and dicyanamide [DCA] anions have been prepared and electrochemical characterized. These salts were studied using a conventional electrolyte (TBAP in acetonitrile) and alternative electrolyte based DES (LiTfO:6EG) for 3- and 2- electrodes configuration devices. In the 2-configuration device, [(allyl)2bpy][DCA]2 and [(C10)2bpy][DCA]2 showed different radical cation colorations particularly green and blue colors with different recovery times to original ones. In the case of [(C10)2bpy]I2 a blue and a red-violet colorations attributed to the electrogenerated radical cation and the dimer respectively was obtained in agreement with previous literature. In parallel, bipyridinium based DES by suitable combination between [(C10)2bpy]X2 and [(allyl)2bpy]X2 (X = Br, NTf2, DCA) with several hydrogen bond donors in 2-electrode configuration devices have been also studied. DES based on [(allyl)2bpy][NTf2]2:PEG200 and [(allyl)2bpy][DCA]2:PEG200 presented different coloration grades from pale brown to green taking longer times to recover the original color. The selected DES as alternative electrolytes or based bipyridinium derivatives can be promissory materials for efficient electrochromic devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)718-726
Number of pages9
JournalElectrochimica Acta
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2018


  • Bipyridinium salts
  • Deep eutectic solvents
  • Electrochromic devices
  • Electrolytes
  • Ionic liquids


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