Structural characteristics of multilayered ni-ti nanocomposite fabricated by high speed high pressure torsion (Hshpt)

Gheorghe Gurau, Carmela Gurau, Francisco Manuel Braz Fernandes, Petrica Alexandru, Vedamanickam Sampath, Mihaela Marin, Bogdan Mihai Galbinasu

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It is generally accepted that severe plastic deformation (SPD) has the ability to produce ultrafinegrained (UFG) and nanocrystalline materials in bulk. Recent developments in high pressure torsion (HPT) processes have led to the production of bimetallic composites using copper, aluminum or magnesium alloys. This article outlines a new approach to fabricate multilayered Ni-Ti nanocomposites by a patented SPD technique, namely, high speed high pressure torsion (HSHPT). The multilayered composite discs consist of Ni-Ti alloys of different composition: a shape memory alloy (SMA) Ti-rich, whose Mf > RT, and an SMA Ni-rich, whose Af < RT. The composites were designed to have 2 to 32 layers of both alloys. The layers were arranged in different sequences to improve the shape recovery on both heating and cooling of nickel-titanium alloys. The manufacturing process of Ni-Ti multilayers is explained in this work. The evolution of the microstructure was traced using optical, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes. The effectiveness of the bonding of the multilayered composites was investigated. The shape memory characteristics and the martensitic transition of the nickel-titanium nanocomposites were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). This method opens up new possibilities for designing various layered metal-matrix composites achieving the best combination of shape memory, deformability and tensile strength.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1629
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 4 Dec 2020


  • Composites
  • Nano multilayers
  • Ni-Ti
  • SPD


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