Strategies and challenges for the circular economy: A case study in Portugal and a panorama for Brazil

Fábio Ribeiro de Oliveira, Rui Ferreira dos Santos, Sergio Luiz Braga França, Luís Alberto Duncan Rangel

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This article is about a case study based on the participation and contact with dynamized activities through action plans for the circular economy in Europe, specifically in Portugal. It aims to identify the main in-progress actions and the challenges for the diffusion of the circular economy in the Portuguese nation and draw a panorama for Brazil, transiting through different data sources, economic sectors and stakeholders. Through data triangulation, the investigative plan contemplated participatory observations in workshops, interviews with experts, documental analyses and means of communication. After going through data cross checking for validation, the content was aggregated to a strategic analysis matrix. As a result, it was possible to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges associated with the growth of the circular economy in Portugal, as well as to indicate directions and possibilities in the Brazilian context. It is possible to realize, for both countries, the importance of the international benchmarking for the recognition and promotion of circular economy actions, besides the necessity to revise laws aligned with the internal e external market rules, by increasing the offer of circular products and services.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere20180646
JournalBrazilian Archives Of Biology And Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Benchmarking
  • Circular economy
  • Environmental governance
  • European union
  • Strategic planning
  • Sustainability


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