As relações entre a Igreja Católica e o Estado Novo foram, de forma geral, caracterizadas porsua estreita proximidade. No entanto, na década de 1960, um setor católico começa a afastar-sedas diretrizes do Governo, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à sua política colonial, tornandoseprotagonistas de iniciativas de oposição à guerra e ao caráter ditatorial do regime. Os ventosde mudança que, na época, atravessavam os corredores da Santa Sé movidos pelo ConcílioVaticano II não foram alheios a essa situação, estando relacionados, em termos cronológicos,táticos e ideológicos, ao fenômeno da oposição católica portuguesa. De fato, os católicosportugueses não poderiam ficar indiferentes às reflexões motivadas por documentos como aConstituição Pastoral Gaudium et Spes ou mesmo pela anterior Carta Encíclica Pacem inTerris, que em muito se adequavam à situação nacional. As orientações contraditórias da Igrejae do Estado português obrigaram, assim, alguns católicos a marcar a sua posição, impedindo-osde “servir a dois senhores”
The relationship between the Catholic Church and the Estado Novo was a very close one. Nevertheless, in the sixties, a sector of the Catholic Church began parting from thegovernment’s prime directives, in particular the ones concerning the colonial policy, becomingprotagonist of actions against the war and the regime’s dictatorial character. The winds ofchange provoked by Vatican II that, at the time, ran through the Holy See were not indifferentto the whole situation, being related to the Portuguese Catholic opposition chronologically,tactically and ideologically speaking. In fact, the Portuguese Catholics could not stayindifferent to the reflections motivated by documents as the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium etSpes or the previous encyclical Pacem in Terris, that were perfectly adapted to the nationalsituation. The Church’s and the Portuguese colonial policy’s opposing guidelines made someCatholics to make a stand, preventing them of “serving two masters”.
The relationship between the Catholic Church and the Estado Novo was a very close one. Nevertheless, in the sixties, a sector of the Catholic Church began parting from thegovernment’s prime directives, in particular the ones concerning the colonial policy, becomingprotagonist of actions against the war and the regime’s dictatorial character. The winds ofchange provoked by Vatican II that, at the time, ran through the Holy See were not indifferentto the whole situation, being related to the Portuguese Catholic opposition chronologically,tactically and ideologically speaking. In fact, the Portuguese Catholics could not stayindifferent to the reflections motivated by documents as the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium etSpes or the previous encyclical Pacem in Terris, that were perfectly adapted to the nationalsituation. The Church’s and the Portuguese colonial policy’s opposing guidelines made someCatholics to make a stand, preventing them of “serving two masters”.
Original language | Portuguese |
Pages (from-to) | 1147-1167 |
Number of pages | 21 |
Journal | Horizonte : Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião |
Volume | 9 |
Issue number | 24 |
Publication status | Published - 1 Jan 2011 |
- Portugal
- Vaticano II
- Estado Novo
- Oposição católica
- Vatican II
- Catholic opposition