Sensory characteristics of structured guava (Psidium guajava): Comparison of optimized descriptive profile, cata and sensory acceptance methods

Juliana Nascimento da Costa, Samuel Almeida Brito, Amanda Rodrigues Leal, Delane da Costa Rodrigues, Luís Gustavo Lima Nascimento, Raimundo Wilane Figueiredo, Paulina Mata, Paulo Henrique Machado de Sousa

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This work aimed a sensory characteristics of structured guava elaborated with hydrocolloids agar and combinations of LA and HA gellan. The methods used were Optimized Descriptive Profile (ODP), CATA and Sensory Acceptance Tests. For the ODP, 18 semi-trained judges selected 12 sensory attributes and evaluated the samples using 9 cm unstructured scales. Sensory acceptance and CATA tests were performed by 100 untrained panelists. Sensory tests expressed medium acceptability indexes and similar results for all samples. The highest frequency CATA attributes were Homogeneous, Brightness, Pinkish red color, Guava aroma and Sour taste. The characteristics from ODP were Brightness, Sweet taste, Sour taste, Guava flavor, Firm and Sandy texture. Comparing the three methods, in the CATA and sensory acceptance, tasters did not identify differences between the samples in relation to the type of hydrocolloid, but with the ODP method they could achieve this.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)496-502
Number of pages7
JournalFood Science and Technology
Issue numberSuppl. 2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


  • Hydrocolloids
  • Sensory evaluation
  • Structured fruit


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