The present invention concerns a sensitive field effect device (100) comprising a semiconductor channel (110), a source electrode (120) connected to said semiconductor channel (110), a drain electrode (130) connected to said semiconductor channel (110), such that said semiconductor channel (110) is interposed between said source electrode (120) and said drain electrode (130), a gate electrode (140) and a dielectric layer (150) interposed between said gate electrode (140) and said semiconductor channel (110), characterized in that said semiconductor channel (110) is a layer and is made of an amorphous oxide and in that said sensor means (170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 175) are configured to change the voltage between said gate electrode (140) and said source electrode (120) upon a sensing event capable of changing their electrical state.
The present invention also concerns a sensor and a method for manufacturing said field effect device (100).
Original language | English |
Patent number | US2019277798 |
IPC | H01L 29/ 786 A I, G01N27/414, G01T1/24,G01T1/36, H01L29/66 |
Priority date | 14/03/17 |
Filing date | 14/05/19 |
Publication status | Published - 12 Sept 2019 |