Selling digital services abroad: how do extrinsic attributes influence foreign consumers' purchase intentions?

Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Emanuel Gomes, Simon Collinson, Glenn Parry, Oscar F. Bustinza

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This article investigates, through the country-of-origin effect and value-in-use lenses, how the implementation of digital services creates opportunities for cultural industries to expand internationally. We argue that intrinsic attributes of cultural content such as the capacity to entertain are difficult to parameterize because they are somewhat experiential and subjective. This means that extrinsic cues are essential to foreign consumers when making a decision to purchase digital services. We specifically evaluate the influence of Britishness, cultural distance, exoticness, brand image, and flag-brand congruence on the purchase intentions of consumers in foreign markets. This study employs a unique consumer dataset with information on the internationalization of British cultural digital services. The depth and breadth of the survey data collected through collaboration with a UK media industry partner with a globally recognised brand is significantly richer than data used in previous studies. In particular, the study exploits a survey with 5,200 usable data points from consumers residing in fourteen geographically dispersed countries. Findings support theoretical predictions that Britishness, cultural distance, exoticness, brand image and flag-brand congruence are positively linked to the purchasing decisions. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)173-185
JournalInternational Business Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


  • Country of origin
  • Cultural distance
  • Digital services
  • International expansion
  • Purchasing intentions
  • Value-in-use


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