Selective acceleration of frangmentation through joint application of enzymes and ultrasound

J.l Capelo Martinez (Inventor), Jesus Vazquez Cobos (Inventor), Daniel Lopez Ferrer (Inventor), Isabel Moura (Inventor)

Research output: PatentRegional/Other National Application


The present invention refers to an acceleration process for macromolecular fragmentation in liquid medium, in gel or in a solid support, by means of joint application of enzymes and ultrasounds, as well as isotopes. The macromolecules, in any of these liquids, are mixed with enzymes and inserted in a recipient (2) and exposed to an ultrasonic radiation field (1). The combined effect of the enzymes and of the ultrasounds allows accomplishing, in time ranges between 10 s and 600 s, the fragmentation of macromolecules or whole proteomes, with the correspondent formation of their constituent lower molecular units.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP1910551
IPCC12Q 1/ 00 A I
Priority date7/07/06
Filing date7/07/06
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2008


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