Scribal Habits in the León Antiphoner

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The León Antiphoner is the most important manuscript containing Old Hispanic Chant and it is fully notated. The only scholar who has closely engaged with its musical notation is Herminio Gonzalez Barrionuevo, and he believed that the Antiphoner was written by a single scribe. In this paper, I will describe the changes in the notation of the Antiphoner, which demonstrate that the manuscript is the result of a team effort. Thus, I will present in detail the scribal habits particular to each scribe and demonstrate, with practical examples, why the identification of scribal habits is an unavoidable preliminary step for musical analysis and comparisons between manuscripts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventCantus Planus International Conference - Notre Dame Keough-Naughton Centre at O'Connell House, Merrion Square & UCD School of Music, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 2 Aug 20167 Aug 2016


ConferenceCantus Planus International Conference


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