Representations and identities of plactic-like monoids

Alan J. Cain, Marianne Johnson, Mark Kambites, António Malheiro

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We exhibit faithful representations of the hypoplactic, stalactic, taiga, sylvester, Baxter and right patience sorting monoids of each finite rank as monoids of upper triangular matrices over any semiring from a large class including the tropical semiring and fields of characteristic 0. By analysing the image of these representations, we show that the variety generated by a single hypoplactic (respectively, stalactic or taiga) monoid of rank at least 2 coincides with the variety generated by the natural numbers together with a fixed finite monoid H (respectively, F) and forms a proper subvariety of the variety generated by the plactic monoid of rank 2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)819-850
Number of pages32
JournalJournal of Algebra
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2022


  • Baxter monoid
  • Hypoplactic monoid
  • Plactic monoid
  • Representation
  • Semigroup identity
  • Stalactic monoid
  • Sylvester monoid
  • Taiga monoid
  • Tropical semiring
  • Upper triangular matrix semigroup
  • Varieties


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