Renaissance, now: Negotiating the release of Humanity in the age of plastic

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Renaissance today is moved by the same need of Renaissance in the XIV-XVI centuries: a critique of Zeitgeist. Though, at that time it was too early, as humankind had not yet a consolidated notion of its universality and of its culturally diverse expressions. Perhaps, now, a veritable Renaissance needs to be made by alternately fold and unfold turns and returns, showing now a facet, then another, of a chain which links are not only ethics and ontology, but also epistemologies and attitudes. Such entaglement is necessarily animated by a basic dialectic confronting Nature's and Man's forces. As the past and the present, the future life of the Mankind on Earth is necessarily an eco-anthropology. Everybody may agree that there is no future for humans without Humanity as there is no future for sciences without Humanities.
Original languageEnglish
TypeArticle on LinkedIn
PublisherEdição de Autor
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Renaissance
  • Anthropology
  • Critique
  • Zeitgeist
  • Post-modernism


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