Reduction of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the cerebellum of patients with age-related white matter lesions (ARWML)

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


P1013: ADC reflects water diffusion in extra and intravas-cular spaces. It is increased in chronic white matter ischemia, inlesions and in normal appearing white matter (NAWM).Cerebellar ADC changes were found after hemispheric cerebralstrokes. No data exists on cerebellar ADC changes in patients withARWML.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2006
Event10th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) - Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Sept 20064 Sept 2006


Conference10th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS)
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityGlasgow, Scotland


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