Ralentir, déployer, ouvrir les images. Notes sur Natureza Morta. Visages d’une dictature de Susana de Sousa Dias

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Still Life. The Many Faces of a Dictatorship is a film on Portugal under Salazar by Portuguese artist Susana de Sousa Dias. The film is made of images originating from the official archives of the Estado Novo, thus, from images produced by the authoritarian regime itself. The artist wrests them from their context, reworks them in order to emphasize the symptoms hiding in their folds, organizes them in a subversive constellation, revealing thereby subterranean connections between their elements. This text seeks to explore the different aesthetic strategies used in the film in order to reach the perceptual intelligibility at work in the images, underneath the original meaning mobilized for their production. For Susana de Sousa Dias’ re-editing brings out moments that we can characterize as non-identical, which erupt in the midst of the ideological representation of the dictatorship and shatter its apparent univocity.
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)67-73
Number of pages7
JournalRevue Proteus
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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