“Quem não sabe é como quem não vê”: Mulheres na música em Vidago durante a década de 1960: Os casos de Almerinda Ribeiro e Lucinda Prazeres

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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In 1863, the discovery of mineral water in Vidago motivated the exploration of this resource through tourism and water bottling. In order to welcome the tourists who came to the spa, hotel establishments organised every day varied sports and live-music events. In this article, I intend to address the memory of the presence of women artists in the music scene of Vidago during the 1960s. Through interviews with members of the community, I discovered that the collective memory of these women musicians was indistinct, and their names and paths unknown, unlike their male counterparts. The photographs of Júlio Silva's private collection triggered reminiscences of memories that led to the identification of these women and the recovery of their history.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationHidden Archives, Hidden Practices
Subtitle of host publicationDebates about Music-Making
EditorsHelena Marinho, Maria do Rosário Pestana, Maria José Artiaga, Rui Penha
Place of PublicationAveiro
PublisherUA Editora
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)978-972-789-646-2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020
EventInternational Congress Hidden Archives, Hidden Practices: Debates about Music-Making - Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Duration: 28 Jun 201930 Jun 2019


OtherInternational Congress Hidden Archives, Hidden Practices
Abbreviated titlehahp2019
Internet address

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