“Que ninguém carregue no botão!”: trajetórias, direcionalidade e a semântica dos verbos

Research output: Working paper

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The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of the semantics of the force verb 'carregar' in European Portuguese, involving paths with force-dynamic properties. This approach allows for a tighter integration between the spatial level of cognition and the lexical semantics. As far as lexical meaning is concerned, it will be shown there’s a lot of diversity, with respect to aspectual properties. For instance, the force is only applied punctually with "carregar no botão" (hit / press / push the button) or continuously with "carregar o camião" (load the truck). Concerning directionality (and the interaction between the verb carregar and prepositions), different meaning shifts can also be observed. Data of a preliminary investigation will be presented with sentences describing an object A (the agent) exerting physical force on another object B (the patient). Considering the spatial distinctions expressed by the vector forces, it is possible to account both for the lexical and aspectual distinctions of the verb 'carregar'.
Original languagePortuguese
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherNOVA FCSH
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameCadernos WGT: (Novos) Balanços e perspetivas


  • Semântica
  • Gramática
  • Texto
  • Gramática e texto

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