Promoting STEAMH at primary school: a collaborative interdisciplinary project

Cristina Costa, António Domingos

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


There is a growing call on the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at the primary school
level, aiming to motivate students to learn these subject matters, in order to correspond to the scientific and technological
challenges of an increasingly demanding society. Recently, many studies sustain the importance of extending STEM to STEAM
by adding Arts to the previous areas, to better prepare students for real life. In this article, we present a way to promote
STEAMH, by integrating Heritage with STEAM. With a qualitative approach and an action research methodology, we intend to
investigate how to develop a pedagogical intervention project that fosters STEAMH learning at primary school and local
community. It is concluded that it is possible to implement a STEAMH pedagogical intervention project, being necessary to
develop a collaborative partnership with local community and local schools.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)234-245
JournalNew Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event8th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership, (WCLTA 2017) - Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 26 Oct 201728 Oct 2017


  • Hands-on
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Primary school
  • Collaboration


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