Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical squamous cell carcinoma of HIV-infected and non-infected patients

Maria José Brito, Pedro Sequeira, Ana Quintas, Iryna Silva, Fernanda Silva, Catarina Martins, Ana Félix

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Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) is overexpressed in cervical carcinoma, hindering tumor destruction. The aim of this study was to assess PD-L1 expression by immunohistochemistry in cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) from human immunodeficiency virus–positive (HIV+) and human immunodeficiency virus-negative (HIV-) patients. A total of 166 SCC and SIL samples of HIV+ and HIV- patients were included and analyzed for PD-L1 expression through tumor proportion score (TPS), and results were stratified in five TPS groups using SP263 antibody and, combined positive score (CPS) using 22C3 antibody. In cohort 1 (SP263 clone), all HIV+ patients were negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (NILM), and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSILs) scored < 1; and 87.5% of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) adjacent to SCC, 19% of HSILs non-adjacent to SCC, and 69% of SCCs scored ≥ 1 (15.4% scored 5). In HIV- patients, all NILM, LSILs, HSILs adjacent to SCC, and two HSILs non-adjacent to SCC scored < 1. SCC: 88.2% scored ≥ 1 and 5.9% scored 5. In cohort 2 (SP263 and 22C3 clones), 16.7% of HIV+ patients with SCC were positive with both clones, CPS ≥ 1 (22C3) or score 5 (≥ 50%) (SP263), showing no significant differences in positivity between both clones. These results indicate that a relatively low percentage of SCCs (16.7%; both in HIV+ and in HIV- patients) express PD-L1 (TPS ≥ 50% and CPS > 1), which may be due to some samples being archival material, sample characteristics, or use of different methodologies, highlighting the need for standardization of PD-L1 assessment in SCC of the cervix. The fact that PD-L1 is overexpressed in SILs of HIV+ patients suggests potential additional applications for immunotherapy in this disease.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)507 - 516
JournalVirchows Archiv
Issue number3
Early online date2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


  • Cervix
  • Human immunodeficiency virus
  • PD-L1
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Squamous intraepithelial lesion


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