The present invention relates to a process for the extraction of volatile contaminants from cork by thermal desorption, i.e., by supplying thermal energy to break the bond between the volatile contaminant and cork. This process has its application namely in cork pieces, more specifically natural cork stoppers and granulates. This process is able of removing volatile contaminants, namely 2,4,6-trichloroanisole, commonly referred as TCA, as well as other contaminants with similar properties. The removal is based on a temperature stimulated desorption process in which the bond between the volatile contaminant and cork is broken followed by its release from the surface of the cork cells into the gas phase and subsequently removed by vacuum pumps.
Original language | English |
Patent number | EP3573798 |
IPC | B27K 7/ 00 A I, B27K5/00 |
Priority date | 26/01/17 |
Filing date | 26/08/19 |
Publication status | Published - 4 Dec 2019 |