Presenteeism in the aftermath of COVID-19: new trends and contributions regarding sickness presence at work

Aristides I. Ferreira (Editor/Coordinator), Luis F. Martinez (Editor/Coordinator), Merce Mach (Editor/Coordinator), Mariella Miraglia (Editor/Coordinator)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently pointed out that: “The great advantage we have is that the decisions we all make – as governments, businesses, communities, families, and individuals – can influence the trajectory of this epidemic. We need to remember that with decisive, early action, we can slow down the virus and prevent infections. (…)” (WHO, 2020). This public health problem impacted society at several levels, thus having serious economic, demographic, and behavioral implications. Managers and society now face the adversities of attending work while ill as a complex phenomenon with dramatic implications on people’s lives, wellbeing, and productivity. More than ever, the construct of presenteeism deserves attention in the academic community as it may become more central for individuals and organizations to assume new or different meanings and connotations. It may be even more relevant than ever to distinguish between different types of illnesses related to presenteeism, as well as to different sectors.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLausanne
PublisherFrontiers Media
Number of pages164
ISBN (Electronic) 978-2-88976-075-6
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameFrontiers in Psychology
PublisherFrontiers Media SA
ISSN (Electronic)1664-8714


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