Presença de Ortega y Gasset no pensamento luso brasileiro

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) that in Lisbon in 1944, at the Faculty of Arts/Faculdade de Letras) gave some conferences in a course dedicated to historical reason did not influenced significantly the Portuguese contemporary philosophical thought. Meanwhile from the last decades of the mast century had arisen published. Concerning Brasil, On the realm of community of language and of many reflective convergences, without forgetting the differences with Portuguese philosophical trends we find from the middle of the last century a remarkable knowledge of the work of Ortega y Gasset, namely in the context of the brazilian culturalism. But other intellectual interests were discussed in Brazil, influence by the philosophy of Ortega and his perspectives. Some examples can be found either in the field of political thought or, more recently, in the proposals of clinical philosophy.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationIberian Interconections
EditorsSusana Rocha Relvas, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas, Maria Gomez Bdoya
Place of PublicationPorto
PublisherUniversidade Católica Editora – Porto
ISBN (Electronic)978-989-8835-14-7
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016
Event2016 ACIS Annual Conference - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal
Duration: 7 Sept 20169 Sept 2016
Conference number: 38


Conference2016 ACIS Annual Conference
Internet address


  • Ortega y Gasset
  • Pensamento luso-brasileiro
  • Culturalismo (Brasil)

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