Predicting Dysfunctional Human–Dog Dyads

Rute Canejo-Teixeira, Pedro Armelim Almiro, Luís V. Baptista, Maria Manuela Grave Rodeia Espada Niza

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Human–dog dyads represent a mutually beneficial partner- ship with a 16,000-year-old history. However, when this relationship becomes dysfunctional the consequences for the human, dog, and society at large can be severe. Canine members of dysfunctional dyads often display problem behaviors, such as aggression, and are frequently allowed to roam, becoming a public health concern. The cause of this dysfunction is multifactorial and includes human and canine personality factors as well as husbandry choices. By using our knowledge of these factors, there is a possibility of early identification of such pairings so that they can be corrected or even prevented. This study evaluated the factors that can contribute to the existence of dysfunctional human–dog dyads. Dog owners were asked to fill out questionnaires regarding their dog (general characteristics and the Canine Behavioral Assessment & Research Questionnaire) and themselves (general characteristics, education, family make-up, husbandry choices, and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised). A total of 255 responses were obtained and differences between the two dyad types were found in hus- bandry choices and in both human and dog personalities. Using these factors, logistic regression was performed, and two models were obtained that could allow for the early identification of dysfunctional dyads. These models could be used to develop targeted educational programs, to better match dogs to new owners within the context of shelter medicine and help better tailor patient care in a clinical context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)743-758
Number of pages16
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2020


  • C-BARQ
  • Dog
  • Dyads
  • EPQ-R
  • Human–animal interaction
  • Personality


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