Pre and posthaustorial resistance to rusts in Lathyrus cicera L

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Lathyrus cicera has a high potential as fodder crop in dry areas, but can in particular environments be damaged by rust. Little is known on the availability of resistance against rust fungi and the underlying mechanisms in L. cicera germplasm. The present study assessed and characterised macro and microscopically the resistance to rust fungi Uromyces pisi and U. viciae-fabae, in a collection of L. cicera accessions. A wide range of disease reaction was found in the germplasm collection against the different rust species. L. cicera accessions were highly resistant to U. viciae-fabae being hypersensitive response the most frequent reaction. On the contrary, most accessions showed a compatible interaction with U. pisi, with varying levels of partial resistance, although cases of hypersensitivity were also identified. Differences on germination, orientated germ tube growth and appressoria differentiation were observed but were in general of marginal importance to explain the resistance to U. pisi among the L. cicera accessions. Resistance was due, to a combination of pre and post-haustorial mechanisms.
Original languageUnknown
Pages (from-to)27-34
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009

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