Portuguese Emigrant Transport to Brazil: Conditions and Factors of Vulnerability in Portugal’s Operation of this Business During the Military Dictatorship

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[EN] This article seeks to contribute to knowledge about the bilateral relations between Portugal and Brazil and the role played by Portuguese emigration in maintaining these relations during the Military Dictatorship. By analyzing the maritime transport of emigrants between the two countries—a business monopolized by foreign companies from northern Europe—we seek to identify the measures adopted by Portuguese shipping companies in response to this foreign competition and to explain the reasons for their failure.

[PT] Este artigo pretende contribuir para o conhecimento das relações bilaterais entre Portugal e o Brasil e do papel desempenhado pela emigração portuguesa para a manutenção dessas relações no período da Ditadura Militar. A partir da análise do projeto de exploração do transporte marítimo de emigrantes na rota entre os dois países—negócio que era monopolizado pelas companhias estrangeiras da Europa do norte—procura-se identificar os meios adotados pelas companhias portuguesas de navegação para enfrentar a concorrência estrangeira e explicar as razões do falhanço nacional.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)42-57
Number of pages16
JournalE-Journal of Portuguese History
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2018


  • Navigation
  • History
  • 20th century
  • Migration
  • International Relations
  • Shipping companies (Marine transportation)


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