Phonological acquisition of European Portuguese oral vowels: a forced-choice identification study with Hungarian native speakers

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Auditory perceptual experiments with Portuguese L2 are scarce, especially within the scope of the European variety (EP). In this study, we aim at observing the assimilation of the EP vowels [ɐ] and [ɨ] by Hungarian native speakers, and their perceptual learning after some contact with Portuguese. A multiple forced-choice identification experiment was run with two groups of Hungarian speakers – a group with and a group without previous contact with EP. The results show that the categorization fell into the closest phonetic categories of the L1. The results also indicate a learning effect for [ɨ], with a recategorization path from [y] to [ø]. As for [ɐ], no major differences were observed between groups. This result is consistent with difficulties observed in the classroom environment, where [ɐ] is particularly challenging to Hungarian learners.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)n/a
Number of pages18
JournalToronto Working Papers in Linguistics
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Cross-language speech perception
  • Second language acquisition
  • Phonological acquisition
  • Portuguese as a Foreign Language
  • Vowel categorization


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