Pervaporation recovery of valuable aromas from by-products of the seafood industry: Modelling of fractionated condensation for off-flavour removal

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Following a circular economy approach, an integrated process is proposed for aroma recovery and fractionation from seafood industry aqueous effluents, combining the advantages of organophilic pervaporation and fractionated condensation. The aim of this work is to recover valuable aromas from aqueous effluents of seafood processing assuring that the aromas recovered are, as much as possible, free from off-flavours in order to be applied as seafood flavouring additives. To reach this objective, an integrated organophilic pervaporation/fractionated condensation process was assessed, with the support of a mathematical model. The mathematical model described and validated in this work allows for simulating the integrated pervaporation - fractionated condensation process and select the optimal operating conditions for a given target separation, performing a minimum experimental work (that comprise only pervaporation with total condensation experiments and inert gas molar flow rate measurements) and using reliable thermodynamic properties (saturation vapour pressures and activity coefficients). The application of this model proves to be a very useful tool for predicting the fractionation of aromas of different chemical families. Which allows to anticipate its wider application, beyond the seafood aroma case-study discussed in this work.

Original languageEnglish
Article number120441
JournalSeparation and Purification Technology
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2022


  • Aroma recovery
  • Modelling of organophilic pervaporation
  • Removal of off-flavours
  • Seafood aroma
  • Vacuum fractionated condensation


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