Performing arts for infancy: a video-based research

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Performing Arts for Infancy has been a topic of growing interest to families and different agents involved in artistic programming throughout the world. Aligned with this trend, research on the benefits of these practices on children development has increased in the past few years. Nevertheless, this field of study has yet a wide range of issues to explore. Since the age group addressed has not yet acquired verbal communication, it seems important to find innovative and alternative ways of exploring non-verbal communication. For this purpose, LAMCI (Laboratório de Música e Comunicação na Infância) has been developing a project based on professional musical productions for young audiences by Companhia de Música Teatral. This research is grounded on concepts such as “communicative musicality” by Colwyn Trevarthen, “audiation” by Edwin Gordon or “engagement” by Edward Tronick.
This project aims to report the narrative composed by infants, parents and artists during live musical-theatrical performances; and to extract the main features of musical behavior between the different parties. The research is based on selected video material from different performances created by Companhia de Música Teatral, such as BebéPlimPlim, Zyg, AliBaBach. This selection is focused on the behaviors emerging during these productions, namely between parents and infants, infants and artists, and parents, infants and artists. All video materials were colected by three researchers using previously team-defined concepts and categories of behavior.
The outcomes of this work will be available as an open source that consist on video tools, providing a platform for artists, caregivers, child psychologists and infant specialists to deepen their understanding of children behavior.
The goal of this paper is to review the concepts created by the authors mentioned, connecting them to the observations gathered from the selected video materials. Discussing such concepts throught video materials, contributes to a wider vision of the field, that can also bring implications for further practice, discovering new paths related to performing arts for infancy.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event18th ISME Pre-Conference International Seminar: k, July 8-12 (Shefa’Amr, Israel, Beit Almusica, 2018): Young’s children’s musical journeys - Beit Almusica, Shefa'Amr, Israel
Duration: 8 Jul 201812 Jul 2018


Conference18th ISME Pre-Conference International Seminar: k, July 8-12 (Shefa’Amr, Israel, Beit Almusica, 2018)


  • early childhood
  • music Learning Theory
  • music pedagogy


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