Performance after performance: on the material legacies and their possibilities for transmission

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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What is the material legacy of performance artworks? What are the possibilities for those legacies, and how much of that depends on the artist's involvement in the historicisation and institutionalisation of their own works? This paper will reflect on the legacies of performance art and its memories and on the ways the museum and the artist work in the co-production of their material manifestations. It will explore this theme through two complementary perspectives – one of a curator, and one of a conservator, also bringing together the agencies of artists, institutions, and objects themselves. In bridging the workings of the exhibition and the museum’s backstage, we aim to provide an integral approach to the material lives of performance artworks and to the manifold of material manifestations of their legacies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArtists’ Legacies
Subtitle of host publicationPreservation, Study, Dissemination, Institutionalisation. Conference proceedings
EditorsJoana Baião
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherFundação Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)978-972-8467-58-6
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventArtists’ Legacies - Online
Duration: 20 May 202121 May 2021


ConferenceArtists’ Legacies


  • Material legacy
  • Reenactment
  • Museum
  • Memory


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